As per vastu, the best directions to keep money or safe at home so that it is stable are :
- West-South-West (WSW) direction
- North-North-West (NNW) direction.
West-South-West (WSW) is the direction between West and South-West. West-South-West is the direction for savings. Money or cash kept in this direction will be very stable and won’t be spent easily.
North-North-West (NNW) direction is the direction between North and North-West. North-North-West (NNW) direction is for attraction. Money, cash or safe when kept in this direction will attract more money to you.
Directions Moderately suitable for Keeping Money at home
- North-East (NE) is the direction where positivity, creativity and new ideas. If money is kept in North-East (NE) direction, it will be spent on new creative ideas.
- North is the direction of new opportunities. North is the direction of Kubera, the god of wealth. But, the element of North is ‘water’. If money, cash or safe are kept in North direction. Money will always flow in and out of your safe. Money will be spent on new things.
- East is the direction for social associations. If money or safe is kept in the east, money will be spent on socialising.
Which directions to avoid to keep money
As per vastu, following directions are not good to keep money or cash in your home:
- South-South West (SSW) direction,
- West-North-West (WNW) direction,
- East-South-Ease (ESE) direction
The above 3 directions will lead to heavy expenses.
South-South-West (SSW) is the direction for disposal and expenditure. South-South-West is the direction between South and South-West. Money kept in SSW will be spent quickly. Hence money or safe should never be kept in SSW direction. the money kept in this direction will be spent on unexpected expenditures.
West-North-West (WNW) is the direction for depression. West-North-West is the direction between West and North-West. Money kept in this direction will give unfavourable result and cause for depressions.
East South-East is the direction for anxiety. Money kept in this direction will be a cause of anxiety and insecurity in your life.